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Updated: Jan 19, 2023

... It happened; unlike my child self who denied it. I became an adult overnight... Everything slowed down. Not just because of the Drudanae, silly! /ref

But because something in the universe just touched me in that moment. My Nook Chrome extension plays it's hourly song in the background. Layered rain sounds, it's raining outside, you see. I started taking L-Tyrosine and processed sugars to boost my dopamine levels as a person with ADHD, I've seen positive results. I've been in the waiting list consecutively for FIVE years. My monstera Deliciosa is doing better. She was too cold and shocked from the moving truck... (Poor thing!) I miss having cats and hamsters as friends! :( </3 Hammies make me soooo happy! The guy I mentioned last time is super cool! I feel like I've gained a six pack by just laughing too much at his jokes. I went to my homies house yesterday. Let's call them Marlos. Marlos has two adorable dogs and I had fun saying hi to them all. I stayed ogrenight and we drank tea and shared gossip to the late night. (Thank you, Mar, for the tea <3)

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